Sunday, August 7, 2011

Nothing to see here

Well, it had to happen sometime. Yay for writer's block!

I'm quite overdue for a blog post. The fans are demanding one. But day after day I think, I need to do a blog post. What's something funny that happened to me recently? And the question just hangs there in the air, unanswered. Of course there's some funny things that have happened at work, but due to client confidentiality I'm not sure I can share them. A blog is not worth getting sued over.

Day after day the blog sits here, feeling neglected. Yet I can not bring myself to look at it, for I know that I can't give it anything new. It would be like showing a dog a piece of bacon, and then taking it away. I don't want to tease my blog. It wouldn't be fair to the poor thing. I can only ignore it for so long though or else the blog will die, and I certainly don't want that. So here I am, writing whatever comes to my head, making a sort of meta-blog post. Fun, isn't it? Okay, not really. But it's the best I can do, all considered.

Here, to make up for it, I'll give you a funny picture of a cat.
You're welcome.


  1. What are you talking about? A blog is TOTALLY worth getting sued over.

  2. Unforutnately I am already broke, so almost nothing is worth getting sued over because then I'll lose the few things I own.
