Hello there, internet. My name is Danielle. You can call me... well, whatever the hell you want really. I'm not going to bother correcting you.
I am a crazy, tall, slightly weird but still very awesome person living in British Columbia, which happens to be pretty much the most amazing place ever. I have a boyfriend who lives in Ontario, which happens to be much less amazing than BC. In fact, I think the whole province of Ontario would be greatly improved if it just moved about 3 timezones to the west. I also have two brothers, two parents, and no pets. I'm currently trying to finish my bachelor's degree in Human Kinetics, though I'm not 100% sure what I'm going to do with it yet. I love dancing, swimming, playgrounds, reading, puzzles, anything that's midly amusing, and writing. Hence the blog.
I have no specific plans for this blog. Mostly I hope to use it to share funny stories from my day, though I can't promise that I'll completely avoid the occasional woe-is-me pity party post. Feel free to skip over those ones. Overally, I'll usually make fun of myself. As you may have guessed from the name of my blog, I am not the most coordinated person, and I have a tendency towards blonde moments. Sometimes I will also use this blog to make fun of my loved ones. Why? Because I can.
I also have no specific timeline for making posts. I hope to put something up several times a week. That said, I tend to keep myself extremely busy, so sometimes my posting may become quite sporadic. Deal with it.
I'm assuming that very few people will actually read this blog, so I'll stop there. If anyone does have questions, feel free to contact me. Or just make something up in your head, it'll probably be more interesting anyways.
I read it! All the way through, even. Good luck with future postings!